F&DT Engineer

The engineer will be expected to possess the following skills:

  • Fatigue and Damage Tolerance analysis with proficiency in the following:
  • Ability to understand Load path
  • Having knowledge on Primary and Secondary Structures
  • Having in-depth knowledge of Fatigue and Damage Tolerance analysis and Airbus methods
  • Experienced in NASGRO crack models and Residual Strength analysis
  • Experienced in MSG-3 analysis logic analysis
  • Having thorough understanding on Harmonization process
  • Having thorough understanding of ACD6 and ACD9, ALI and IRD
  • Ability to review test data and test evaluation
  • Proficient in calculating load exceedances, Fatigue and DT calculations, low life mitigations and repairability analysis
  • Having report writing skill proficiency at advanced level
  • Conversant with Airbus way of working, Certification requirements
  • Experience in using FEM (Patran, Hypermesh) for the load extraction
  • Having test program planning is added skill advantage
  • Experience in wings and high lift structure is preferable.

The engineer will be expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis with identification and presentation of all fatigue relevant and representative locations
  • Dossier write-up for Certification, Modification and test correlation
  • Perform ISAMI based calculations


SW Nomenclature

ISAMI Analyst



Microsoft Office

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